Conditioning Kettlebell Workout

Today I am going to work on some conditioning. I have 3 primary training sessions every week I try to do Sun/Tues/Thur, but Tues/Thur something move around a day depending my workload and family items. This workout is in addition, without a focus on strength, and moreso to get my body moving, tax my heart a bit, and also have fun.

I’ve played with kettlebells for 15 years and still find them a lot of fun. While I love the barbell, I enjoy playing around with kettlebell complexes, feeling my heart tick up faster and faster, and combining things in new and interesting ways.

Today’s session will be a test of sorts. I haven’t done this specific sequence before, or at least in a long time.

4 Rounds, 6 reps per exercise, double KB (but you could use a single):

  • Swing
  • High pull
  • Snatch
  • See-saw press
  • Squat
  • Push press
  • Gorilla Row
  • Push-up

That’s it. Pretty simple, and I will time it. Hopefully in a few weeks I will beat the time I accomplished. You can play with this by lowering or increasing the reps per exercise, the amount of rounds, or the rest periods. I will try for a 2:1 rest:work ration- meaning if it takes me 0:45sec to do the complex, I’ll rest for about 1:30sec.Doesn’t have to be set in stone, try your own thing.

Also, you may notice there is not a ton of lower body work, just a set of double kettlebell front squats. Why? Yesterday is my hard barbell back squat and also bench press session, so this is to help recover from that, I don’t need a ton of extra leg training after my heavy squat day. This is also what I have more row and vertical push focused work, it compliments my primary training.

If you try this out I’d love to hear how it went.

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