A Lean Year, Wrapping Up

Happy end of year. In a follow up to my last post, things are going great!

It turns out much of the worry and fear was silly, such as most worry and fear tend to be.

Not drinking is a wonderful thing. Improving diet again has been wonderful. Things were not always smooth or clear, but the joy of taking time and trying things, knowing it would not be perfect, allowed me to figure out what worked.

For more serious items, like drinking, I have not been stone sober. A friend gifted me a nice bottle of whiskey and I tried some. It turned out I did not enjoy it, but the gift was great. I also did not beat myself up for it. I don’t think this is the case for everyone, but I found a way to make it work for me.

For next year, this journey continues. I have some different goals and different items in progress, but it’s nice to think of the possibilities and what to experiment with. There was a time, not long ago, that I didn’t have as open of a mind. I was much more scared. Trying things worried me.

On the chance you have wanted to try something and are fearful of it. Maybe your internal dialog says it won’t work. Or you are afraid of how your family or friend group might react. Try it! You’ll get the feedback really quick. You can than think about how that feedback feels. Does it make you want to revert, try something new, or keep on? Does that change your relationship with yourself, your family, or those friends? Great, you learned something new and can keep moving forward.

Good luck next year.

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